apply to fOSTER

A good foster home is extremely important so we can prepare our dogs for their new lives. All veterinary care is covered by A Dog’s Life and we will provide a crate where necessary. To ease the financial burden on us we would appreciate it if foster homes would supply food and bedding but if it is a problem then of course we are happy to provide both.

Most of our fosterers are willing to foster a dog until a home is found.

Sometimes it’s just too hard to let go of a foster dog. If at any time you wish to adopt your foster dog you must go to the Adopt a dog section on this site and complete the paperwork.

Please note that all potential foster homes are subject to a homecheck and no exceptions will be made. It is also worth remembering that we are all volunteers and while we will endeavour to arrange a home-visit as soon as we possibly can, sometimes it can take a little while, so your patience is appreciated!

  1. We do not place dogs in foster homes where they will be left alone without human company (another dog will not suffice) for long periods on a regular basis. Foster homes are important for learning as much as we possibly can about a dog and also doing some basic training.

  2. The foster dog must sleep in the house.

  3. The garden must be secure and escape-proof, bearing in mind that many dogs can both climb and dig. The home-visitor will check this as a matter of priority and advise accordingly. We do not condone electric fencing, shock-collars or barbed-wire as a means of containment.

  4. As some of our dogs requiring foster homes come direct from the pound making sure your own dog, if you have one, is up to date on his/her vaccinations including kennel cough is required.

  5. If you have an existing dog(s), then we would prefer if they were neutered before you approach us about fostering. As most of the dogs coming from the pound are unneutered we would not be able to place them in a home with another unneutered dog.

  6. Those fostering dogs must give an undertaking to provide the dog with regular appropriate exercise.

  7. You must be aged over 23 to foster one of our dogs.

  8. Please bear in mind that as we have very little background on our foster dogs they may not be housetrained and you will need to be prepared start house-training from scratch. Please do not allow your new foster dog the run of the house until you are sure that they are housetrained to your satisfaction.

  9. Please keep your foster dog under close supervision at all times as you are now responsible for him/her. A Dog’s Life will not be help liable for any damage done to your property or that of a third party while the dog is in your care.

  10. If you think your foster dog requires veterinary care, then please let us now so we can organize it with our vets. No veterinary appointments should be made without prior permission from Martina. Should your foster dog require emergency out-of-hours care, then every effort should be made to contact Martina before calling Moss Vets who provide an out-of-hours service.

If you interested in fostering on of our dogs and can agree to the criteria listed above, please fill out our Foster Form.

If you have not had a response within 2 days then please contact Martina on 086 3871498

I confirm that I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions