adopt a dog
Once you have submited an application form (via the button at the end of this page) and accepted the adoption terms and conditions, we will set up a home check with an ADL volunteer, usually within a week or two. Once you are cleared to adopt we will endeavour to place a dog with you, taking into account current rehoming needs and your circumstances.
We aim to respond to applications within two working days. Kindly keep in mind that ADL is entirely staffed by volunteers and we have no dedicated premises of operation. We endeavour to arrange a home visit as soon as we possibly can but sometimes due to limited resources it can take a little while so your patience is greatly appreciated - it takes time to go through the necessary procedures to ensure you get the dog that suits your home best. If you are waiting for a home check and have gotten another dog then please let us know immediately. If for some reason you have not had a response within 2 working days then please contact Martina on 086 3871498.
ADL requires a minimum donation of €150 per dog. For this donation the dog you receive will be neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped. You will also receive lots of aftercare to help your new dog settle in properly and also follow-up training consultations with our qualified trainer should you need them. This donation is necessary for us to help more dogs and also offsets the expense of supporting dogs who have to remain under our care for longer.
We have a number of criteria which must be met before we can consider a home for adopting any of our dogs. Some are based on recommendations made by dog behaviourists and/or vets for providing a home which will not increase the risk of stress or behavioural problems in a dog. There is very little leeway on these conditions so if you cannot agree to them all then please contact us before filling out your form as refusal often offends.
Please note that all potential adoption applications are subject to a home check and acceptance of adoption terms and conditions; these are in place to protect the welfare of the dog and to ensure you have a great adoption experience so no exceptions can be made. Below are the terms and conditions we require prospective adopters to adhere to; these are based on animal welfare guidelines so please read them and make sure you’re comfortable taking on these responsibilities.
Please be aware that you cannot book or reserve A Dog’s Life dog just by expressing an interest in it. Applications are taken and homechecks are carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. YOU MUST HAVE PASSED YOUR HOMECHECK BEFORE A DOG WILL BE BOOKED TO YOU. If you are not first in line you will be made aware of that and invited to undergo a homecheck should the home in front of you not work out.
A Dog’s Life reserves the right to refuse any home.
We do not place dogs in homes where they will be left alone without human company (another dog will not suffice) for long periods on a regular basis.
We only place dogs into homes where they will be kept mainly as a house dog. The dog must sleep in the house. Our intention is that our dogs are taken on as cherished members of the family. We do not permit our dogs to be kennelled outdoors.
The garden must be secure and escape-proof, bearing in mind that many dogs can both climb and dig. The home-visitor will check this as a matter of priority and advise accordingly. We do not condone electric fencing, shock-collars or barbed-wire as a means of containment.
We do not give dogs as presents or surprises. Applicants who are applying on behalf of another person must make that person aware of the application, and must provide contact details for the intended owner.
We neuter all of our dogs and bitches, and we have a strictly upheld no-breeding policy. As such where there is an existing dog we will not rehome one of our dogs unless the existing dog is neutered or, if too young, where proof can be provided in due course that the dog has been neutered. This is applicable to all dogs in the home. If you are adopting a same-sex dog then your own dog still needs to be neutered.
Those rehoming dogs must give an undertaking to provide the dog with regular appropriate exercise and veterinary care.
You must be over 23 to adopt one of our dogs.
As the dog’s new owner you will be required to accept and acknowledge the full legal responsibility for any injury, loss or damage sustained by or to a third party caused by the dog.
We do not home same-sex bull breeds together.
We require a minimum donation of €150 per dog. For this donation the dog you receive will be neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped. You will also receive lots of aftercare to help your new dog settle in properly and also follow-up training consultations with our qualified trainer should you need them. This donation is necessary for us to help more dogs and also offsets the expense of supporting dogs who have to remain under our care for longer.