Lola is about 15 months old and is a terrier mix. Lola hasn't had much of a life and we feel that she was kept confined and did not see much of the world in the first year or so of her life. She came to us from Waterford pound in terrible condition, having been very matted which required shaving. As a result of her lack of exposure to the world in the early part of her life she finds the world a pretty scary place. But despite that, she is a sweet girl who really wants to connect. Lola needs a very special home that will meet her needs, make her feel safe and provide her with a good outlet for all her youthful energy.
Lolas behaviour suggests that she has not had very positive experiences with other dogs in her short life and so we are looking for a home for her without another dog or with a very steady adult dog of similar size or larger who she could be introduced to slowly over time. She needs to be walked in areas where her exposure to other dogs, traffic etc would be very limited. Ideally walks on private land or quiet rural locations would be what is needed initially to help her.
Lola needs a quiet, adult home and ideally in a rural or semi-rural area with a good-sized, safe & secure garden. She needs a quieter life so a busy family home or regularly visiting small children isn’t going to work for Lola. We don't believe that Lola ever lived in a home before coming to us but she has done well with house training and adjusting to home comforts. However, she is still a busy, active youngster so will need outlets for that in her life. She likes to play ball and will fetch and bring it to you.
The perfect home for Lola will be an adult home in a rural area where she has a secure garden to play in and where she can be walked in quiet places where she is unlikely to meet lots of scary things like dogs or lots of traffic.
She is doing well with confinement training & can spend short periods alone. A cosy crate will be good for her so she has a place to snuggle in & contemplate the goings on. Continuing with this, or a similar safe space, will be important for her,
Lola is fully vaccinated, microchipped ( 972274001489798) and neutered. If you can offer Lola the forever home that meets her needs please click on “Apply to Adopt” to fill out adoption form
Dept of Ag. Registration No: JPT20000